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What’s special about this Programme?

Fighting Fit the Fairytale Way is a supportive, nurturing and magically holistic body transformational programme available anywhere at this time.


We all know what we need to do to lose weight. Most of us are experts on the subject. We also know that just knowing about a subject, does not make a difference to our success in that area! I am sure that you are successful in other areas of your life. I am sure that you are a wise and loving person. It is time to use this wisdom and love for your own good. 

This programme is a call to women who are ready to catalyse their own transformation. It is a joyful and united battle cry to take back your own sovereignty and connect to your true essence! It is a chance to lift each other up and share in the joy that is freedom from the old beliefs and practices which limit us.

This is not a diet programme- it is a joyful exploration of what’s important to you- and to create a life that works. We explore the triggers and the patterns that keep us locked in a cycle of self sabotage. On this journey we align ourselves with our ‘north star’.. our reason for wanting to be free. We explore the ways we can re-wire our neural pathways to be happy, satisfied and free. Weight loss is the happy bi-product of transforming our unhealthy and sometimes abusive relationship with food. Being free to wear clothes that are a true expression of us, to move, to dance - to join in activities that we once enjoyed and now no longer feel comfortable to do - to be strong, to be vibrant - to be healthy and to feel comfortable in our own skin and delighted to be alive!

What do you need to bring?

Your commitment!


All I ask is a willingness to be open to miracles… and that you show up and do the work!

This means prioritizing YOUR health and wellbeing above all else.

Are you willing to invest the time, energy and openness it takes to transform?

This will be the magic key to your success.

Fighting Fit the Fairytale Way’s new programme 

Wouldn’t you love to feel fit, free and fantastic about yourself?


Meeting on Zoom, with like-minded women you will be led by your Fairygodmothers who are passionate, loving and experienced coaches, in your journey of transformation.You will begin to find freedom from any self-loathing, shame and frustration that has comes from being trapped in a cycle of over-eating and sugar/carb food addiction.

We have fun identifying the characters who dominate your life story.. like The Wicked Queen wants you to stay small, she says," Darling, have the cake, you Deserve it!”

Or the entitled Goldilocks, who thinks nothing of ploughing through a family sized chocolate bar on her own… or the Zombie Princess, who suddenly realises she has eaten a whole tub of ice-cream, after only meaning to level off the melted bit to go back in the freezer.



On this Programme:


*You will have more clarity about why you are on this journey; the reasons you got where you are. You will begin to see the happily ever after pathway that takes you to a life free of the cycle of self abuse, yo-yo dieting, or just plain resignation.

*You will begin to lose the excess weight, wear the clothes that you dream of wearing, 
and take action to bring your dreams and goals into reality.


*You will build trust in your ability to create healthy eating and drinking patterns. You will find your inner hero, tap into your own unique strengths and create new effective systems to 
be organised with achieving your goals.


The programme is open ended and starts from when you register.


Who is it for?


It is designed for women who are ready to make the commitment to themselves.Ready to put the time and energy in to a new way of living.

You may be feeling scared or nervous, but you are willing to give it your all. You need to be willing to do this FOR YOU, not for anyone else!


We are a growing tribe of open-minded women.

We see you! We know your pain, and we are waiting for you.

The majority of us are aged 40, 50, 60, 70+ and are bright, intelligent women. The area of weight and food management has been alluding us for much of our lives.. and its now its our time to rise up and shine, as we always dreamed we could. 

We gather on-line, (on Zoom) with commitment and joy to strengthen the belief that you can and you will make this happen!

What’s included?:

* Optional daily fun accessible, safe,fitness sessions- designed by women for women- all on Zoom and to suit your schedule.You shall go to the Ball!


* Weekly Workshops to empower and inspire.


You will be guided through a new and meaningful process of starting a-fresh with your approach to how and why you eat, sleep, drink,exercise and take care of YOU.


*  Daily Sharing Circles to support with accountability and motivation. You will be showered with love, kindness and respect.

All that you need is within you! You can have your happily ever after, and it starts today.

How long have you been struggling with this frustration with yourself?

This journey is best spent with a supporting team - your own cheerleaders- to believe in you.
You don’t need to do it alone…We are here and we are waiting for you.  



find out more about the classes, workshops, circles -and all the joy and achievement that's coming your way!

The Programme is in two parts: The Sovereign Sistership Exercise Programme & The 8 Week Chapter Course.

1. The Sovereign Sistership Exercise Programme


This is an ongoing subscription to daily activities which offer us inspiration and physical fitness.

The current schedule is (and these are a choice for you to select from - you can vary it or come to all - up to you!) :

6.50 - 7.25 am
Bel’s Ball - exercise with the option of arm weights, floor work. This will be accessible to all. You have the option to have your video off if you prefer. It is very relaxed, fun and in just this short session each day, we can create miracles.

9.15-10.00 am -  Lucy's Morning Ball - Why wait to 'go to the ball’… when you can start your day with this fantastic aerobics work out! Lucy combines this fun filled session with dynamic stretches and we complete with a beautiful restorative meditation to set up the day!


Sunday 8 - 9pm - Hero Call - a conversation to set up your week with grace and ease!

A WhatsApp group will be created for the cohort for support and sharing.

For the exercise sessions, wear comfortable clothes and ideally exercise on carpet, rug or mat. Bare feet or footwear - whichever is your preference.Your camera setting can be on or off.It is always a very supportive session - no one is there to judge or compare!

The sessions are designed to be safe, fun and uplifting and to really set up the day!

“The most joyful exercise sessions I have ever done!”- Gemma C. age 41, Midwife

2. The Chapter Courses

The core content of the transformational journey is delivered via the Chapter Courses. Each Chapter is a 8 week course, delivered live via zoom. The cohort is purposefully kept small, so that you have the opportunity to speak and share in each session, to create a strong and supportive circle of connection and inspiration.The Course is delivered on a regular week night evening by your Fairy Godmother.

The session is normally 8-10pm.

There are 4 Chapters, with one leading on from the next. There is no pressure to continue with the courses, however, the journey takes us over 9 months; which gives us time to really internalise and externalise our transformation in a profound and lasting way.

Chapter 1 is the core chapter where we explore our beliefs around food. It is a magical and powerful 8 week process.


Chapter 2 & 3

In these chapter, as well as continuing to explore our relationship with food, we introduce a focus on transforming our environment. We consider what it would take to have our surroundings (our home and work environment) be stress-free and harmonious and nurturing. Our challenge in this chapter course is to set up our lives to succeed in being strong, fit, healthy, and full of energy. We look at creating an environment that supports the healthy habits that will have us succeed on this life-defining journey.

Also in Chapter 2 & 3, we focus on developing and cementing the habits, routines, and rituals that inspire us to be fit, strong, well, healthy, and free of food obsession for life.In a supportive and reflective process, we examine the barriers and loops that have de-railed us in the past. We get to say who we are and what we are committing to. Our habits and routines give us the quality of our life-they define who we are. If we chose them with care, we can design a life that fulfills our dreams, hopes, and wishes.


Chapter 4

This course is a celebration of who we are, what we stand for, and all that we bring to the world. We step outside our comfort zone - pushing the boundaries of how we present ourselves: we explore everything from our wardrobe to our body language. We examine our roles in our life and make bold declarations about who we are and what we are up for! We answer an invitation to step proudly forth and own our energy and physical presence in all its glory!

After the Chapter courses, there is the option to stay on the Sovereign Sistership sessions as they are so joyful and for some are part of the ongoing daily successful routine for health and vitality. We also have the option to become a Fairy Godmother facilitator ourselves or a Fairy Godmother Mentor to others as they come through the programme.

Chapter Course 1 is £200 for 8 weeks.

When you register for Chapter 1, you have one week of free exercise classes.

We believe this to be the most incredible value for money. All the sessions are live and in-person and the care and support offered throughout is exceptional.

If you would like to have any questions answered, please email

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