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About Lucy

“I will be your guide through your fairytale journey. I am an accredited Life Coach, Yoga teacher & Wellbeing facilitator with a wealth of experience in successfully transforming people’s lives.”

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I began my career as a primary school teacher in London, before moving to Brighton and founding an alternative learning centre for home education called The Lighthouse Learning Centre; I was combining my passion for meaningful education  with an entrepreneurial spirit and a belief that anything is possible! At the same time, my small greeting card hobby began to evolve and Juicy Lucy Designs soon grew into one of the most loved independent Greeting Card Brands in the UK for almost two decades, supplying all major UK retailers and shops around the world.


Throughout this time, I trained as a life coach and loved nothing more than supporting people in connecting with their passions, hopes and dreams.

I am also a qualified and experienced yoga teacher and the founder and director of 

The Swansea Wellbeing Centre, which is a pioneering and innovative wellbeing resource

with over 40 practitioners, making a real difference to the lives of people in Swansea.


As a wife and mother of two sons, and the daughter of a much extended hybrid family,

I know what it is to hold many roles and manage the challenges that life brings….

I also know what it is to deal with a dependence on alcohol and food, as for much of my adult life, this was the case.

I used food and alcohol as a comfort, as a celebration, as a crutch and as a friend. But neither of these are true friends.

I am delighted that through the development of this programme, I am now free of the exhausting cycle of food and alcohol dependence and I have never felt so happy, alive and full of joy.

I have created a programme that will make all of this available to you. There is nothing that would give me more joy than sharing your journey to freedom and a life where all your dreams and wishes, hopes and desires come true.

I can’t wait to meet you. xxx

About Bel

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In May 2020, during lockdown madness, I had the incredible good fortune to meet Lucy Heavens during a brief breakout room on zoom. This life-changing chance meeting has had a huge impact on me and my attitude to my fitness, diet, general health and well-being.


I was overweight, squeezing my stout fleshy body into clothes that were several sizes too small and about to give in and buy some “tenty” (size 20) clothes. Resignation had well and truly sunk in and I thought that this was me for the rest of my life. I loathed looking at my chubby knees and flabby belly, groaned whenever I happened to glance at my reflection in the mirror, and avoided the camera at all costs. 


My underactive thyroid and post-menopausal body had to be accepted, and I made excuses about my poor diet, the amount I ate, and the number of calories I consumed in glasses of red wine. I rewarded myself with food and made excuses that my job as a Head Teacher of a primary school in rural North East Scotland was demanding and stressful.  I did exercise but restricted that to walking the dog or gardening as anything else put too much strain on my knees and made me feel unwell.  This was not a me that I was proud of, not a me that I wanted to be, and seemed to have happened so surreptitiously!


Fast forward to July 2021 and a new and transformed butterfly Bel emerged from her fat-robed chrysalis. Lucy’s fairy godmother wisdom, patience, and tenacity taught me to believe in myself, to like myself, and to actively enjoy eating less, drinking less, and feeling fitter and healthier in my 50’s than I felt in my 30’s and 40’s. I have learned to live again, to actually live, not just survive my life until I can retire.


Undergoing fitness exercise training and now leading exercise sessions at the early morning Bel’s Ball, I really do get to be the “Belle of the Ball” with some of my beautiful fairy tale sisters.  My commitment to regular exercise, my target of a six-pack for summer, and letting go of old stories about my body image has been a wonderful, life-enhancing journey. 


It is an honour and a privilege to work with Lucy, Lisa and Carol, and all my other sisters in the Fairytale Way. I love to participate in and lead chapter sessions and hero calls and delight in spreading the joy and freedom that can be gained from this incredible programme.


The 25kg (4stone) weight loss is a happy by-product of this journey. More notable is my deep contentment and joy for life, my self-awareness and love for others, and the power and freedom that lies on the other side of overeating and overindulging!


I look forward to meeting you, working with you, and sharing in your transformational journey!

About Lisa

I am a Reiki Master/Teacher, EFT (tapping) Practitioner, Aromatherapist, and Reflexologist. I am an intuitive empath with a love of complementary healing and metaphysical health.  I regularly run workshops and courses in Reiki, Self-love, Law of Attraction, Energy Healing and Spiritual and Psychic development.  I started my holistic training in my late teens and began teaching Reiki and running Spiritual and Psychic development circles in my early twenties in Worcester. Then starting my own Therapy Centre and Mind, Body, Spirit shop Equilibrium in the city centre which I ran successfully until I sold it in 2007 when I had my beautiful daughter.

During those years I gained so much knowledge and experience and loved nothing more that to empower women to discover their own ability to create healing and positive change in their lives.  I delighted in helping people discover their unique and innate healing gifts and talents through my therapies, readings, workshops and courses.

In 2019 my husband, daughter and I moved to Swansea and I was blessed to meet Lucy Heavens. Lucy’s programme so resonated with my vision for a holistic, gentle yet powerful approach to weight loss and female empowerment.  My personal journey with this course has been lifechanging and such a wonderful discovery of myself, my ingrained patterns and behaviours and vehicle for permanent change. I’m slimmer than I’ve been all my adult life and definitely fitter too!

Having survived a challenging and disruptive upbringing I learned to use food and alcohol as a crutch and after many years of struggling on and off with my own food, weight, and alcohol issues I found the wisdom of ‘The Fairytale Way!’

I couldn’t be more excited to be invited to share this course with those of you who need its magic! I humbly offer myself as your Fairy Godmother and it would be my joy to share this programme with you!

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