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Fighting Fit

the Fairytale Way

Are you ready for a

For many of us, physical transformation; sustained weight loss, feeling fit, strong and confident feels like an impossible, illusive dream.

We have all the intention and the desire to make positive changes, but for different reasons we find ourselves in a cycle of good intentions turning to disappointment, frustration and often ending in resignation.

If this feels familiar to you, then please join us in discovering how this carefully crafted, holistic, nurturing and cost effective programme could offer you the ‘happily ever after’ of your dreams!

Here are some stories from women who have taken part in Fighting Fit the Fairytale Way...

Fighting Fit Testimonial 1
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Fighting Fit Testimonial 2
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Would you like to:

*Feel confident, radiant and full of energy.

*Create a happy, fit and healthy body which reflects your ‘true essence’.

*Be free of food obsession.

*Enjoy a healthy balanced diet with joy, freedom and ease.

*See areas of your life transform, including relationships, direction and life choices.

When we feel good in our bodies, it means we feel good about our life: the Fairytale Way is not just about transforming our bodies: we metamorphosis and consciously manifest our heart’s true desires. We allow ourselves to honour our true purpose.


The programme as an amazingly effective and supportive way to  conquer your food addictions and habits and a way to define your personal plan to be fit and healthy regarding food and exercise for the rest of your life.


Very quickly I broke FREE from my shackles of binge eating carbohydrates. I am now aware of how I feel and when I'm actually hungry rather than having cravings. Food is now my fuel not an addictive substance. I plan my meals with high quality healthy foods rather than grazing on lots of poor quality carbohydrates like biscuits & chocolate. I've bought a slow cooker and for the first time am enjoying experimenting with creating healthy meals - previously I had little interest in cooking.

The programme has empowered me to live a much healthier and happier life with no drama over food. I have spent much of my life caring for others, now it's time to focus on me and my needs without feeling guilty about that. 

I delight in having lost 2 stone on the programme already.  I'm feeling fitter than ever and I'm starting to love my body rather than be ashamed of it and trying to hide it all the time.


Thanks to the programme I feel so empowered to take on opportunities and challenges but above all to achieve my new healthy goal for the rest of my life.

Ruth W.  age 59, Retired

My name is Lucy Heavens, and I am asking you to choose me as your Fairy Godmother…


I know what shame and pain is… having struggled with compulsive eating for much of my life.

I have spent years exploring, developing and training ready for this moment… and I am beyond excited to proclaim that I am here, ready to be at your service.

This programme is beautiful, loving, holistic and magical and most importantly… this programme works!

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